Protect California jobs and preserve our growing economy.

Our great state cannot afford to have jobs exported to other states or foreign countries. Refinery jobs have a huge impact on our communities. The average annual wages and benefits for a refinery worker in California is $128,000, and because refinery workers spend this strong wage at local businesses when they purchase goods, supplies or services, every refinery job produces approximately 9 more jobs in the local economy.

If MHF is banned at California refineries, the consequences will be serious and immediate for thousands of workers who rely on the refinery, directly or indirectly, for their livelihood.

If MHF is banned at the Torrance Refinery in Southern California:

  • More than 1,100 employees and contractors could lose their jobs, which would affect them, their families, and the community at large
  • Approximately 8,400 indirect jobs would be lost in Los Angeles, Orange and Kern Counties

Take Action

Lend your voice to the growing movement. Join CaSE and help support sustainable growth in our great state of California and a fair and factual review of MHF.